Friday, September 23, 2011

Autumn Greetings......

With the change of the seasons...comes the change of my outside decor :)

Happy Trails.....

Good morning everyone!! Well I guess we can say now that Fall has officially arrived. The grass is turning brown and crunchy and the flowers are wilting away. As much as I love summer with the heat (well not this year anyways...) and the outdoor activities; fall is probably my most favourite season. The changing colours and the nice crisp mornings are amazing!!! The only downside is, it means winter is on its way..BOO! Well I guess there is always snowmen, snowmobiling and sleigh rides to keep Raydn entertained. This has been one busy summer for him for being outside, so I think winter may be torture for him if its to cold to go outside. I guess time will tell.

With fall comes scrapbooking again, no flowers to keep me busy until bedtime. I actually cleaned my scrapbook desk off yesterday so I can start; I have SO many ideas and pictures that I want to scrapbook. Lots of camping, Raydns 2 year birthday party, family reunion, Raydns 2 year pictures, girls trip to Las Vegas, quading and lots of pictures at grandmas house with cousins!!  Many, many, many great memories and great times.

This layout here that I did is a Roxanne Olsen creation. It was her August layout and her technique this month was wood. We used my favourite products...Tim Holtz stains and alcohol inks :) Very fun class!! This is paper I would normally not have used because its very bright and not distressed but I LOVED the end product. Being in this class pushes me to go outside my comfort zone and create some things new. Its good to be pushed a bit, I think it makes you a better scrapbooker. Unfortunately I DO NOT have the last 3 months of Roxannes classes completed...just the kits in my room. My summer was way to busy to attend the classes but never less great winter projects.

I also was nominated for a blogger award from my good friend Roxanne eons ago it seems. I actually typed it out twice (a very long post) and blogger erased it....twice. I am going to redo it again and get it posted as well, perhaps I will use Microsoft word Just like today........ I went to add pictures to this post and it booted me out of blogger. Thank gosh this time it actually saved it!!! Technology can be so frustrating!!!!

I also just want to thank you all for still keeping in touch with my blog (Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!) and not forgetting me throughout the summer months. Now that's its cooler out, I will be in my room much, much more (that means I am going to have a lonely husband Happy scrapbooking all!!

These pictures were taken at Drayton Valley on one of our quad trips. This was taken early August and the leaves were already starting to change. The couple on the top left are great friends of ours, Betty and Carl...
one of the many times we were stuck that day. The top right is Timm and Raydn throwing rocks in the river. Great Day!!!!!

The top bottom picture is of Timm and Raydn in the ranger. We have created a monter...Raydn cries when he is NOT in the ranger!! The top right picture is of all the men that we quad and camp with.

Happy Trails created by Roxanne Olsen
and put together by Rhonda Witzke